How Many Watermelons Are In This Picture?
Everyone loves a good puzzle. After all, it’s so satisfying to beat the challenge and come up with the correct answer. Once again internet users are scratching their heads over this picture with watermelons. And if that riddle doesn’t spark your curiosity, try out these other puzzles that require deductive reasoning, a keen eye, and out-of-the-box thinking. Could you solve them all?

This is a pretty example of food photography but it also holds a visual math riddle. There are four halved watermelons and four watermelons missing a quarter. Therefore, if you could put these watermelons together like a puzzle, how many whole watermelons are in this picture? Careful, fractions could get tricky.
Did you figure it out yet? The answer is: Five! And here’s the equation that proves it:

As you can see in this photo, four watermelon halves created two complete ones, and four watermelons minus a quarter created three complete ones. So that leaves the final answer of five.